The 3 Benefits Of Operating A PPC Advert Campaign

Did you say three benefits? Just three? Is this some kind of joke?

Well, I say, what’s wrong with three? The number three is accepted in a large variety of venues. In the holy Roman Church, they’ve got the Trinity of the Son, the Father and the Holy Ghost. On television, there are reruns of Three’s Company. In baseball, it’s “Three strikes and you’re out!” And with pay-per-click search engine ads in the online world (think Google Adwords), also fondly termed simply PPC (and no, that’s not some kind of brain-scrambling chemical that turns you into a raging, drooling monster being billy-clubbed by cops outside your favorite whiskey bar), we have three benefits. This PPC stuff is a very popular choice for online marketers looking to make a killing selling whatever sells online by placing cute little text adverts of just a few lines, like a title and two lines of copy, on a special area of a search engine page. And that brings us to another three things, that is, the three biggies in the search engine universe, Google, Yahoo and Bing. The vast majority of PPC advertisers put their cute little adverts on the search results pages of one of these three corporate giants, hopefully, from the perspective of an advertiser, on the first page, because many Net travelers probably won’t bother even looking at page two and certainly not the third, although I tend to look at page thirteen myself just because I was born on the Thirteenth (of October if you’re curious, or even if you’re not, and I would like, oh, say, three pair of silk-cotton mixed-weave socks, thank you very much). The point here is that PPC advertising will help you earn a healthy income and/or get the names and emails of people who click on the advrtisements which lead to a sales page or a lead capture page most often. Of course, to varying degrees, one’s success relies on one’s budget. Anyway, without further ado, let’s now take a look at these three so-called benefits that are provided by the wonderful world of pay-per-click advertising:

Benefit Number One. Do you know who Michael Douglas is? How about Catherine Zeta-Jones? If you are in the dark about these two people, perhaps you would like to learn that they are famous Hollywood movie stars. Moreover, they are a married couple. Still more exciting information is that in fact they have appeared in a film together called Traffic, which by a bizarre turn of affairs is also what the first benefit of pay-per-click advertising I want to inform you of is, trumpets on the ramparts — TRAFFIC!!! Now, the movie Traffic and the PPC Traffic differ in certain ways. For one, if my guess is correct, the word “traffic” in the film is probably a verb, as in “to traffic in something”, in this case that something being drugs and not humans, if I recall the storyline in its essence. But with pay-per-click search engine ads the term “traffic” is a noun, said noun representing actual human beings and not drugs. Do you see where I’m headed with this? Movie, verb, illegal pharmaceuticals. PPC (not a drug), noun, online sufers looking for stuff on the ole World Wide Web. I hope I have made this point clear to you. If I haven’t it’s your fault and not mind, but please, just continue reading, don’t run off to a corner to cry. Geez, some people! Where was I? Okay, yes, online traffic can be purchased fairly inexpensively via a pay-per-click campaign by bidding for keywords that those traffic people use when searching for stuff on the Net, and this type of online traffic, purchased, is for the most part going to be delivered to your sales or landing page much more quickly than organic traffic, not bought (except for the time involved in SEO . . . but this piece is not about SEO, so in case you have no clue what SEO represents, well, that doesn’t matter right now except that it is organic, meaning there is no fertilizer of some sort stinking everything up, like filthy green lucre, for one, and that, well, yeah, exactly, you don’t have to pay for it, except with time, and lots of it). In other words, or actually more or less the same words, PPC traffic can be had for a relatively low price, if you know what you’re doing, and quite instantaneously.

Benefit Number Two. Do you know what a branding iron is? In the event that you are a complete moron and have no idea, I will explain. A branding iron is not used to press your pants. No, not at all. Actually, it’s a torture device used by men called boys in the interests of big business to help usually bovine babies find out about the eventual harsh realities of fast food chains and surf and turf eateries, this tool being a length of metal, probably iron — although I suppose it could be steel, maybe even stainless steel because, you know, once in a while it rains on ranches . . . anyway, I digress. A length of metal, right. On one end of this branding iron is a handle type of object, and on the other end is the branding part, which has a certain, design that when used properly leaves an impression on the surface of that which is branded by means of pain and pressure. This impression remains in the form of a scar both physical and emotional because, cows have feelings too. Haven’t you ever looked into the big sad eyes of a Bessie the Holstein mooing at you from the mushroom fields you’re trespassing on? Well, whatever. This impression, this brand seared on the flank of a little, innocent calf, indicates capitalistic ownership. It says, this cow is mine. And I am someone, someone you must sit up and take heed of, someone you should bow down to, a VIP, a personage of prestige, and I am as rich as Midas, so pay attention you mere minions and kiss my ring. In other words, PPC can be used to identify oneself to a market niche population that only wants to buy your product and will return again and again to buy your stuff because you are the most trustworthy and highly recognized online provider of said good. Yes, PPC is good for branding, but in this case there is no blistering heat scarring your hide, no risk that you are going to get hurt, unless of course you get burned in the process of paying too much cash to Yahoo to get those clicks, which would mean that your self-branding efforts aren’t working out so well and it might be time to go back to the drawing board, or maybe the ranch. However, if through your PPC advertising you are getting quality traffic and improving the organic search results of the website you are advertising, the more often somebody sees your ad, the more your name and reputation are fixed in the surfer’s mind, the more you are branded as the only person to buy from. More eyes more often means more trust. More trust equals more sales. Every once in a while branding feels just grand.

Benefit Number Three. What does it mean to convert, you wonder? Then again, you might not, but that is of no concern to yours truly because I am going to answer that question{/spin} for those that might [spin]as opposed to the willfully incurious. And it is a curious answer because of the depth of feeling involved in at least one of the scenarios within which there is a connection to aforementioned query, which is, in some circumstances it means to switch from one to another of an institutional religious corporation, or faith, if you prefer, such as a lamb of the Christian persuasion changing stripes, or fleece actually, to the dreadlocks of Rastafarianism because smoking a little pot is not going to see you later burning in damnation for all eternity, or should I say it, a Muslim becoming a Jew because it might be less socially taxing to enjoy the occasional bacon and eggs breakfast. The reasons and motivations for a religious conversion in fact far out-number the religions to convert to, so much so that others may be baffled by such a decision, but you will never run out of ways to explain said conversion if pressed to do so. Actually, you can just invent a reason if you want (which the closed-minded would probably call “an excuse”), and depending on the religion you convert to, that might even be okay, but don’t ask me which religions those would be because, basically, I’m not interested, no matter how curious I might be. And believe me, I am curious, so have a little faith, okay? The reason for my lack of interest in which faiths, speaking of faith, condone the telling of little white lies is that I am more interested in another type of conversion, the one that has something to do with the subject of this little tale. Go figure, huh? I mean, after all, we are talkig about pay-per-click search engine advertising, are we not? In fact, this form of conversion is in regard to a rather unholy alliance, if you’re thinking in religious terms, between Man, Machine and Money, and keeping track of how much money the machine eats up before spitting out people who will give even more money back to you. You see, with PPC advertising campaigns, it is fairly easy to track the conversion of clicks to dollars. All the data is right there for you to see where you can compare the number of tire-kickers who only click on your cute little advert with the people who actually take further action and buy from you. It’s a simple matter of just figuring out what all the statistics on your campaign page mean and then planning your PPC budget accordingly.

So, there you have it, laid out very clearly for you (if you can read between the lines), the three benefits of using pay-per-click search engine advertising to earn an income.

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